BIO Anna Marazuela Kim is a cultural thinker, adviser and activist based in London.

Working across academia, the arts and urban revitalisation, with industry, NGOs and in conflict zones, Dr Kim is dedicated to fostering new approaches to civic and planetary thriving. Combining historical, philosophical and theoretical perspectives, she aims to bridge the gap between academia and wider audiences in the service of the public good.

For over a decade, Dr Kim has been a member of institutes of advanced of study and multidisciplinary, cross-sector research groups in the US, Europe and the UK, advancing projects, publications and new paradigms on issues of critical contemporary concern, including iconoclasm and the culture wars; placemaking, civic agency and human thriving; and the ethical challenges of the image in the digital age.

Dr Kim was educated in intellectual history, then pursued graduate studies in philosophy and classics with Martha Nussbaum at Brown University, as Andrew Mellon Fellow in the Humanities. A subsequent PhD in the history of art and architecture examined histories and theories of iconoclasm across the East-West divide of Byzantium and Renaissance Italy. Re-interpreting Renaissance artworks as reflexive sites staging internalised forms of critique, or “creative iconoclasms, her work contributes a new view of the multiple reformations that shaped Europe and modernity, beyond the image-breaking of the North.

Dr. Kim’s expertise in the deep structures of images and our complex relations to them, from Plato to the present digital age, drawing together ethics and aesthetics, phenomenology, urban studies, anthropology, religion and technology, has led to fellowships at the Courtauld Institute of Art, the Free University Berlin and UCL’s Institute of Advanced Studies at UCL, where she was tapped as an adviser on the role of images in conflict by King’s College Department of War Studies, museums and forums internationally.

Since coming to the UK in 2015, Dr Kim has been endorsed by the British Academy as a world-leading researcher, invited as a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts and an affiliate of the Royal Institute of British Architects. A public-facing intellectual, she writes for diverse audiences, from NATO to FRIEZE, and advocates internationally for culture as a human right, most recently delivering a keynote at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo.

As the lead researcher for the US-based Thriving Cities Project/Lab for over a decade, Dr. Kim works as a consultant and advocate advancing frameworks and best practices to include artists and culture in development as vital to the ecology of cities and civic thriving. Her industry experience includes roles with Norman Foster at Foster + Partners, the Global Cultural Districts Network and Futurecity.

Dr Kim has a long history of activism in conflict zones and supporting refugees, beginning in Nicaragua and the US (1980s), Ukraine (1990s) and Greece (2000s). Currently she is advising The Projector Institute in developing a key initiative to rebuild the creative economy of Ukraine in Kyiv, where she was invited in 2021 to help build the country’s first district of contemporary arts and culture.


Ph.D., History of Art and Architecture, University of Virginia, highest honors, Jefferson Scholars’ Foundation Fellowship, Society of Fellows, multiple grants and awards

Ph.D. Program, Philosophy, Brown University, Andrew W Mellon Fellow in the Humanities; Dean’s Fellow

Harvard University, studies in Ancient Greek

University of Notre Dame, BA, Intellectual History, highest honors, Glenna Joyce Fellowship, Phi Beta Kappa


Senior Consultant and Writer, Research and Evaluation article for The Gallery, Artichoke Trust, UK, May-Sept 2023.

Project Advisor, winning bid and programme, On Tenterground, London Festival of Architecture/London Metropolitan University/Aldgate Connect, London, UK, Dec 2022-June 2023.

Fellowship Review Committee (PhD and postdoctoral awards), Jefferson Scholars Foundation, University of Virginia, US, 2018, 2020, 2023.

External Expert Assessor, Research Proposals in the Arts, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Feb 2023.

External Expert Assessor, Research Proposals in Urbanism, The Israel Science Foundation, May 2023.

Associate Curator, Venice Project Space, Fondazione Marta Czok, IT, Feb 2023-present.

Senior Strategist, Research brief for undisclosed architectural firm for NEOM: The Line, SA, Feb-April 2022.

Advisor, How to Build a Cultural District, Golden Gate Forum, Kyiv, Ukraine, Nov. 2021-Feb. 2022.

Academic Advisory Panel, Thamesmead Evaluation programme, ARUP London UK, Jan. 2021-present.

Senior Cultural Researcher and Writer, Associate, Futurecity, London, UK, Sept. 2020- April 2021.

Co-Director, Cultural Innovation and Strategic Partnerships, The Centre for Conscious Design, Nov. 2020- June 2021.

Associate, Communications Strategist (Culture expert), Foster + Partners, London, UK, April 2019-Aug. 2020.

Consulting Researcher, winning Tender for Soft power assets mapping and UK cities for the British Council and CoreCities UK, Tom Fleming Creative Consultancy, London, UK, April 2019.

Consulting Researcher and Writer, Arts and Social Impact Report, Cultural Institute, King's College, London, UK, Sept-Dec. 2018.

Consulting Researcher and Writer, Governance Models for Cultural Districts, for the Global Cultural Districts Network and University of the Arts London, UK, April 2018.

Contributing Editor, Arts & Culture series: Women leading the Arts, TOAST Magazine online, UK, Jan.-Sept. 2018.

Invited scholar, planning workshop on Mellon Foundation grant Edge-Border-Conflict, The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA, US, 7-8 June 2016.

Lead scholar/project director, Research brief on Beauty as an Endowment of Thriving Cities, Thriving Cities Project, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia, US, Sept. 2013–Sept. 2014.


Associate Lecturer, MA in Public Art and Performance, School of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University, Sept 2022-present.

Research Member, The Centre for Creative Arts, Cultures and Engagement, London Metropolitan University, Feb. 2021 - present.

Research Projects and Partnerships Manager, Research and Postgraduate Office, London Metropolitan University, Jan. 2021- Sept. 2022.

Associate Fellow and Lead Scholar (non-residential), Thriving Cities Lab, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture (IASC), Univ. of Virginia, 2017-present.

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London, 2017-18.

Associate Fellow, King’s Centre for Strategic Communications, King’s College, London, 2016-2018.

Associate Fellow, Research Groups On the Human Person/Technology/Thriving Cities, IASC, 2011-2017.

Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies on the Image, Free University, Berlin, Sept. 2016-Jan. 2017.

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer/Mellon MA, Research Forum, The Courtauld Institute of Art, 2015-16.

Visiting Lecturer, Art History Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, Spring 2015.

Co-editor, with Prof. Francesca Fiorani, 25 essays by scholars of the NEH Summer Institute - Leonardo da Vinci: Between Art and Science, online resource with bibliography, Sept. 2013–Feb. 2014.

Project coordinator for Humanities in Place: Academic Space in Theory and Practice, Institute for the Humanities and Global Cultures + School of Architecture, University of Virginia, Jan.-April 2013.

Program coordinator, NEH Summer Institute: Leonardo da Vinci: Between Art and Science,  Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz/Max Planck Institut, Florence, Italy and University of Virginia, 2011-12.

Visiting Lecturer, Art History Department, University of Virginia, Spring 2011 and Spring 2010.   

Coordinator for international conference and web design, Cultural Crossings: China and beyond in the Medieval Period, University of Virginia, Sept. 2009-March 2010.

Curatorial assistant, co-curator and panel writer for News of the Colonies: Prints, Maps and Perceptions of the New World, University of Richmond Museums, Sept. 2006-May 2007.     


Cities and the arts/built environment

Peer-reviewed article: ‘Placemaking, performance and infrastructures of belonging: the role of ritual healing and mass cultural gatherings in the wake of trauma,’ (with J.L. Scarso), in Trauma-informed Placemaking, C. Courage and A. McKeown, Eds. (Routledge, forthcoming Spring 2024).

Peer-reviewed article: ‘Can we design for culture? paradigms and provocations’, Built Environment, special issue Arts & the City (Summer issue 2020).

Peer-reviewed article: ‘Towards Beauty and a Civics of Place: Notes from the Thriving Cities Project’, (with J. Yates), in Creative Placemaking: Research, Theory and Practice, Cara Courage and Anita McKeown, eds. (Routledge, 2019).

Commissioned Research brief: Governance models for Cultural Districts (with J. Doeser), commissioned by the Global Cultural Districts Network (April 2018).

Peer-reviewed article: A.M. Kim (with T. Flores) ‘Overwriting the city: graffiti, crisis politics, and the image of Athens’ (with T. Flores) in Defence Strategic Communications, Journal of NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (Fall 2017).

Commissioned Research brief: ‘Beauty as an endowment of Thriving Cities’, A. M. Kim, editor and author, with L. Merrill, C. Miller, C. Yates, 2015, available online:

Image culture and conflict

Commissioned essay: Re-enchantment and Iconoclasm in an Age of Images’, The Hedgehog Review, Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture, Fall 2015.

Peer-reviewed article: ‘Creative Iconoclasms in Renaissance Italy,’ in Striking Images, iconoclasms past and present, S. Boldrick, L. Brubaker and R. Clay, eds. (Farnham, England and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Press, 2013).

Art criticism

Commissioned essay: Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize catalog, “On Making the Disappeared Reappear / Hrair Sarkissian,” Photographers Gallery, London, UK, Dec. 2023.

Invited essay: Wall text to accompany Hamed Abdalla’s Lost or Escaped, for exhibition: Whose Tradition?, Tate Liverpool, March 2021.

Exhibition Review/Invited Editorial: Hamed Abdalla, The Mosaic Rooms, London, Frieze Magazine (online), May 2018.

Women leading the Arts and Architecture - Commissioned essays

Essay: A fragile generosity: autumn, art & architecture in Venice, TOAST Magazine/Arts & Culture (online), Sept. 2018.

Interview with Cara Courage, Head of Tate Exchange, TOAST Magazine/Arts & Culture (online), July 2018.

Exhibition review of Leonor Antunes + Rachel Whiteread, TOAST Magazine/Arts & Culture (online), Jan. 2018.

Invited Essay: Liane Lang: Civic monuments and spectres of the past,’ Garageland: art, culture, ideas, Issue 21, Spring 2017.


Keynote speaker, Culture as a Human Right, for opening of Oslo World, Nobel Peace Center, 31 Oct. 2022

Keynote speaker, The vital role of culture in civic thriving: the soft power tools of culture, for opening panel on The impact of music in crisis and conflict, Creative Impact Conference, Tallinn Music Week, 6 May 2022.

Invited speaker, panel on The Future of Creative Space Ownership, Night Time Economy Summit, Bristol, UK, 8 April 2022.

Invited keynote speaker, How to Build a Cultural District, Golden Gate Forum, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 2021.

Invited presenter and panelist, Dezeen talk on Designing Equitable Spaces, 21 April 2021.

Q&A performingborders | Live, performative reading and conversation between Nobel Peace Prize photographer and artist Sim Chi Yin and curator Annie Jael Kwan from Something Human and Asia-Art-Activism, curated by Alessandra Cianetti, Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, 19 March 2019.

Conference Paper, ‘Theorising the image and art for IR conflict studies: the iconic turn and political mediation’, War for Presence: Conflict and Identity at the Art History-IR Nexus, King’s College, 30 June 2018.

Organiser (with Art History/UCL) and presenter, Troubling monuments: making, breaking and re-making heritage and history, Institute of Advanced Studies in Culture, UCL, 15 May 2018.

Organiser and discussant, Landscapes of vulnerability: a conversation with Lola Frost (Leverhulme Fellow, King’s College) and Edmund Clark (award-winning photographer), Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL, 25 April 2018.

Public lecture, ‘Enchantment and iconoclasm in an age of images, with Prof. Martin Holbraad (Anthropology) and Dr Hans Christian Hoenes (Warburg Institute), respondents, Institute of Advanced Studies in Culture, UCL, 20 Feb 2018.

Invited Keynote, ‘The Aesthetics of the Abdomen: art historical and philosophical reflections’, Annual Meeting, Royal College of Physicians, London, 2 Feb 2018.

Residential Seminar presentation, ‘Reforming the Renaissance: Idols and Iconoclasm in Early Modern Rome’, Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL, 19 Feb 2018.

Public presentation, ‘Cosmos <Affect> Polis’, Summative panel, Rosi Braidotti Seminars on the Post-human, Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL, 19 Nov. 2018.

Panelist, Screening of ‘White Helmets’ documentary, Refugee and Migration Unit, UCL, Dec. 2017.

Conference paper, ‘Reforming the image: idols and iconoclasm in Early Modern Europe’, Ikonoklasmus. Bilder verehren/ Bilder zerstören, workshop in conjunction with exhibition Renaissance and Reformation: German Art in the Age of Dürer and Cranach, Kulturforum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, 11-12 May 2017.

Research presentation, ‘Michelangelo as iconoclast sculptor’, BildEvidenz research group, Freie Universität, Berlin, Dec. 2017.

Chair, panel for conference Dead or Alive! Tracing the Animation of Matter in Art and Visual Culture, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-11 November 2016.

Panelist, Museums and social responsibility in the wake of humanitarian crisis (in conjunction with exhibitions, Refuge/e and Disappearance at Sea), BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, April 2017.

Co-organiser and respondent, Traces of War: A Pre-Exhibition Symposium, Kings College, London, October 2016.

Chair: Politics over the Public: The Role of Museums, Courtauld Institute of Art, June 2016.

Conference paper: ‘Painting the Eternal: Mosaic and Stone in Early Modern Italy’, British School at Rome, Italy, May 17, 2016.

Chair: Panel on Art and Conflict, Beyond Borders at Blain|Southern Galleries, sponsored by UNICEF NextGen London, May 2016.

Invited Panelist: A Dialogue on Beauty, The Ford Foundation, New York, December 2016.

Co-organizer (with Robert Williams, Univ. of Santa Barbara, CA) and Chair: Rethinking the Rhetoric and Force of Images, Renaissance Society of America meeting, Boston, MA, March 2016.

Conference paper: IAS-HNS joint session, ‘Reforming the idol: Maerten van Heemskerck’s St. Luke and the Virgin (1545)’, Renaissance Society of America meeting, Boston, MA, March 2016.

Co-organizer (with Julian Stallabrass) and Presenter, Symposium on Art and Terrorism, The Sackler Research Forum, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, February, 2016.

Co-organizer (with Robert Williams), IAS sponsored session, Rethinking the Rhetoric and Force of Images, College Art Association meeting, Washington, DC, February 2016.

Conference paper: ‘Idols of art and of the mind: Michelangelo’s Rondanini pietà’, Renaissance Conference of Southern California meeting, The Huntington Library, CA, June 2015.

Invited presenter, roundtable on Beauty and Justice, Art of Change program, Ford Foundation, NYC, NY, Dec. 2015.

Fellows’ lecture: ‘The New (Old) Image Wars: Rethinking Image and Violence after Paris’, Fellows Symposium, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia, May 2015.

Invited lecture: ‘The New (Old) Image Wars: Rethinking Image and Violence after Paris,’ UC Santa Barbara, CA, April, 2015.

Invited lecture: ‘The New (Old) Image Wars: Rethinking Image and Violence after Paris’, The Hallie Ford Museum, Willamette University, OR, March 2015.

Conference paper: ‘Idols of Art and of the Mind: Sculptural and Spiritual Iconoclasm in Michelangelo’s Rondanini Pietà’, Mellon Research Forum Conference on Religion, Art and Conflict, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, Dec. 5-6, 2014.

Panel organizer, session titled Creative Destruction in Early Modern Europe, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, New York 2014.

Research presentation: ‘Reformations of the Image’, Summer Institute of Advanced Study, sponsored by the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, July 2014.

Research presentation: ‘Beauty as an endowment of Thriving Cities’, Thriving Cities Conference, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at Virginia, June 2014.

Fellows’ lecture: ‘Iconoclasms past and present’, Jefferson Fellows and Faculty Fellows Program, Jefferson Scholars Foundation, April 9, 2014.

Invited lecture: ‘Real Space, Imagined Place: Reinventing Icon and Vision, from Byzantium to Rome’, Boardman Lecture and Symposium on Material Religions, Univ. of Pennsylvania, April 2014.

Research presentation: ‘Iconoclasms: exhibition at Tate Britain and research’, Research Forum, Courtauld Institute of Art, June 2014.

Invited lecture: ‘Sculpture, iconoclasm and re-formations of the spirit: phenomenological reflections on Michelangelo’s last pietà’, Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts, co-sponsored by Duke Divinity School and the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Culture, Nov. 2013.

Conference paper: ‘Somatic piety:  devotion, descent and the vision of Gregory at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, Rome’, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, April 2013.

Organizer and presenter, Theorizing the Global, roundtable for an interdisciplinary conference ‘Future(s) of the University,’ Institute of the Humanities & Global Cultures, U. of Virginia, Nov 2012.

Respondent: ‘Iconoclasm in Pre-History? Breaking objects and landscapes’, meeting of AHRC research network, University of Notre Dame, September 2012.

Research presentation: ‘Image agency, iconoclasm and the aesthetics of contemplation,’ meeting of AHRC research network, Tate Modern, London, October 2011.

Panel organizer (with Fredrika Jacobs), session on Accessing the Holy through Body and in Image, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Montreal, March 2011.

Conference paper: ‘Materiality and the Mediation of Spirit:  The Christ Icon between Italy and Byzantium’, 37th Annual Cleveland Symposium of Art, Cleveland Museum of Art, February 2011.

Conference paper: ‘The Dialectical Icon’, Interdisciplinary Forum on Icons and Iconoclasm, W.J.T. Mitchell, keynote speaker, Jefferson Scholars Foundation, University of Virginia, October 2010.

Conference paper: ‘Transforming Agency in the Italian Appropriation of a Byzantine Icon’, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 2009.

Respondent and Chair, panel on Neoplatonism and the Arts: Controversy, Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, March 2008.

Public lecture: Introduction to exhibition, News of the Colonies: Prints, Maps and Perceptions of the New World, Camp Concert Hall, University of Richmond, January 2007.

Gallery talk: ‘Mapping the Marvelous’ and teacher seminars for News of the Colonies: Prints, Maps and Perceptions of the New World, University of Richmond Museums, Feb.- April 2007.


Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies, Research group BildEvidenz. Geschichte und Ästhetik, Freie Universität, Berlin, Sept. 2016-January 2017

Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, 2015-16

Summer Fellowship, National Humanities Center (N.C., USA) & Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 2013/2014

Jefferson Scholars’ Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2013-14

Robert J. Huskey Travel Fellowships, University of Virginia, March 2014; March 2011; Feb. 2008

Society of Fellows’ Travel Fellowships, University of Virginia, April 2013; February 2011

U.S. Graduate Representative, 33rd Congress of the International Historians of Art, July 2012

Fellowship for Translating the Past, Paleography Institute at Palazzo Rucellai, Florence, June 2011

Philip Francis du Pont Fellowships, University of Virginia, 2007-8; 2010-11

Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows, University of Virginia, 2009-10

Dissertation Research Award, Society of Fellows, University of Virginia, 2009

Dietrich Award for Outstanding Service to University Museums, University of Richmond, 2007

Visiting Research Fellow, King’s College Cambridge, 1991 (declined)

Andrew Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, five-year award to PhD program of choice, one of 100 awarded in the US, 1989-1994

Dean’s Fellowship in Philosophy, Brown University, 1989 (declined due to Mellon award)

Regional candidate, Rhodes’ Scholarship, Oxford University, 1989

Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1988

Glenna Joyce Scholarship, full four year scholarship to the University of Notre Dame, 1981-85.


Member, Refuge in a Moving World Research Network/UCL, 2017-

Associate Fellow, Art & Conflict Hub, Dept. of War Studies, King’s College London, 2016-

Associate Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia, 2011-

Kress Travel Grant to present at joint session of the Historians of Netherlandish Art and the Italian Art Society, Renaissance Society of America Meeting, Boston, April 2016.

Participant, Artistic Practices: visualizing the urban context, Sussan Babaie (Courtauld) and Shane McCausland (SOAS), Directors, December 2015-present.

Participant, Andrew W. Mellon Research Forum on Religion, Art and Conflict, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, Michael Carter, Director, June –December 2014.

Participant, interdisciplinary research group on The Human Person, Technology and the Self, Joseph Davis, Director, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, Univ. of Virginia, 2011-2013.

Research member, international interdisciplinary research network: Iconoclasms: practices of the past, interpretations of the present, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (U.K.), 2011-13, Leslie Brubaker and Richard Clay (University of Birmingham, U.K.), Directors. Members’ research contributed to a major exhibition, Art Under Attack: Histories of British Iconoclasm at Tate Britain, October 2013 – Jan. 2014.

Travel Grant to participate in Resources and techniques for the study of Renaissance and Early modern culture, Warburg Institute, London, May 2010.

Dissertation Research and Travel Grants, Lindner Center and the Robert Craine Fund, McIntire Department of Art, Univ. of Virginia, Summer 2008; May 2010; September 2011.

TEACHING (History of Art and Architecture)

The Courtauld Institute of Art

Assistant, From Dante to Michelangelo: Rhetoric, Representation and Identity in Italian Art and Literature, c. 1300-1550, Interdisciplinary Mellon M.A. course, Dr. Scott Nethersole and Mellon Visiting Professor, Dr. Frederica Pich, 2015-16.

Visiting Lecturer, Sculpture and the Body in Renaissance Italy, Self-designed BA3/Special options course for undergraduate degree candidates, Fall 2015.

 Virginia Commonwealth University, Art History Department

Visiting Lecturer/Faculty Replacement, Renaissance Art and Architecture (1300-1600):  Italy and beyond, Self-designed 300-level undergraduate lecture course, Spring 2015.

Visiting Lecturer/Faculty Replacement, High Renaissance and Mannerism: Italy and beyond. Self-designed 400-level undergraduate lecture course, Spring 2010.

 University of Virginia, McIntire Department of Art

Guest lecturer on materiality, devotion and iconoclasm, The Materiality of Art, graduate seminar (Prof. Douglas Fordham) March 2014.

Guest lecturer, sessions on ‘Cognitive Science, Art and Emotions’ and ‘The Faculties of   the Intellect, Renaissance Art and Science, Freshman University seminar (Prof. Fiorani), Jan. 2012.

Lecturer, Sacred Image East and West, self-designed 400-level undergraduate seminar, Spring 2011.

Teaching Assistant, Introductory Art History Survey II, undergraduate lecture course (Prof. Sarah Betzer, Instructor) Spring 2009.

T.A., On-site course, Renaissance Art and Architecture, undergraduate lecture course (F. Fiorani), Florence and Siena, Italy, January 2009.

T.A., On-site course, Renaissance Art and Architecture, undergraduate lecture course (F. Fiorani) Rome and Florence, Italy, January 2008.CONFERENCE PAPERS,


Viva/Dissertation Review committee member (PhD), Department of Art History, UCL, August 2017

Volunteer, Syrian pop-up restaurant, London, April 2017

Volunteer, Beyond Borders campaign for UNICEF/Syrian relief, NextGen London, May 2016

Volunteer, documentary photographer and fundraiser, refugee camps in Lesvos and Eidomeni, Greece, February and March 2016

 LANGUAGES (in order of proficiency)

Italian, Spanish, German (limited passive/reading), French (limited reading), Ancient Greek (with effort)


Royal Society of Arts, UK

International Council of Museums

REFERENCES upon request